PG tuition & training details

The P1 & P2 courses include all gear necessary for training.

P1 PG Beginner package $350 2-3 days


Want to get a hands-on idea what flying a paraglider is like with a minimal investment?  This package will allow you to explore the magic of piloting a paraglider and complete the first phase of certified training – the P1 rating for students who successfully complete the course.  (P1 rating requirements.)

We provide everything for you to succeed.  To earn the P1, the student will need to complete the USHPA online course and the online test.  Passing will be a prerequisite for starting the P2 course if the student decides to continue.  To earn their P1, the student will need to complete the online course and the online test. Passing will be a prerequisite for starting the P2 course, if the student decides to continue his traingin.  We provide all of the equipment needed and as many flights needed to complete the course.

The time needed to train varies depending on the weather, student availability, and/or student ability.  Sometimes the course is extended another day or more if weather conditions are restrictive.  The entire price of the P1 Beginner Package can be credited toward the P2 Novice Certification course if the student decides to continue training to become an independent pilot.  The student will be towed into the air using our pay-in stationary winch which is the safest way to experience your first flights in a paraglider.

P2 PG Novice certification package $1,700 7-10 days OR $350/day

Type of training requested

This is the core course you will need to complete in order to learn how to become a solo novice pilot (P2 rating requirements).  The time needed to train varies depending on the weather, student availability, and/or student ability.  This course is an extension of the training for the P1.  It is intended to teach you how to be a safe and confident pilot.  Instruction and practice will prepare the pilot how and when to safely fly without the direct supervision of an instructor.

Those who qualify for the discount certification package ($1,700) will have everything needed to succeed, including a syllabus to study for the test, equipment use for flying, and as many flights as you need to complete the course.  The package does not include USHPA membership nor the Paragliding – The Beginner's Guide text book.

The number of days required for a pilot to achieve Novice Certification varies depending on weather and student ability.  A pilot's physical condtion is also important.

Type of training requested

The discounted tuition package ($1,700) is only for new pilots who purchase their basic equipment package from Southwest Airsports.  Once the tuition is paid, we will assist you in the purchase of your flying equipment during your training.  Those who have already completed the P1 training at Southwest Airsports will get a full credit towards their P2 tuition equal to their paid P1 tuition.

Students who are already USHPA members and started paragliding programs elsewhere or have a paramotoring background will pay $350 a day toward completing their Novice Certification Program.  An initial payment of (1) day is required in order to schedule training.  Maximum tuition for the P2 course is $2,450.  The daily training includes ground school and as many tows or days at one of our flying sites, as needed.  NO EQUIPMENT IS CONCLUDED.

Note: Partially trained pilots or those with their own gliders require more time to train safely for various reasons including the need to unlearn bad habits.

P3 or P4 PG certification $250/day (no charge for our P2 graduates)

P3 P4
certification desired

The time needed to train varies depending on the weather and student ability.  The P4 requirements are particularly difficult and the rating is more about demonstrating tasks acquired through experience rather than actual training.

Pilots who wish to become certified as P3/4 must meet the USHPA requirements per here: P3 rating   P4 rating   Download the respective rating page using the link and PRACTICE the tasks needed BEFORE you ask us to witness them during a flying session.

Pilots must also pass an online ground school test for the respective rating.

Non-Southwest Airsports graduates: If you are unable to successfully complete the required tasks during your flying session, you will have to pay for another day.  Payment of tuition is NOT A GUARANTEE that you will pass the course.  BE SURE YOU CAN DEMONSTRATE THE REQUIRED TASKS!

For pilots on their way to becoming XC pilots, Jocky Sanderson made a helpful video on cross country flying called Speed to Fly: A Complete Guide to Cross Country Paragliding but it is no longer available so we made some helpful notes on the video for all to read.

Payment of tuition of (1) day is required in order to schedule training.

Crossover training (PG to PPG) $250/day (no charge for our P2 graduates)


Payment of tuition of (1) day is required in order to schedule training.  Note: like P3/4 certification, crossover training usually takes more than a single day, especially if the pilot trained elsewhere or is uncertified by either the USPPA or USHPA.

Tow training or Tow Tech training $390/day

type of training desired

This is the USPHA required training to be towed up by a winch or to become qualified to operate a surface tow (ST) winch for recreational towing (Tow Tech 1) or towing for compensation (Tow Tech 2).

For Tow Tech 1, these skills include demonstrating 5 or more tows, a minimum of two flights as the pilot under tow, and the use of placarded written checklists for every flight.  For Tow Tech 2, the skills include demonstrating risk management, normal and emergency operations, and operations with students, experienced pilots, and tandem flights.  Note: At the discretion of the Towing Observer, video footage may be submitted to meet these requirements.  For more details on this training, please read the towing program material from USHPA.

Payment of tuition of (1) day is required in order to schedule training.

PG SIV Clinics

Please go here for information and an important warning concerning SIV clinics.  P2 and above students at Southwest Airsports are trained to do manuevers commonly done at SIV clinics, including asymetric deflations and spiral dives.

New pilot Jason Tilley coming in for a safe landing after a tow.  Is there anything more fun than this?

paragliding flying overhead

Additional Notes

Your training will include syllabus study materials, a computer based log book (by request), ground school, and hands-on instruction.  Please purchase the required textbook.

Our courses will prepare you for mountain flying. You will learn how to layout your wing and do a preflight check. Become more at ease with both forward and reverse launches. Learn to control your wing through turns and mild turbulence. Begin the study of meteorology and its effects on flight and much more.  It includes the use of all equipment needed for training – paraglider, harness, helmet, and radio.

Kiting skills are essential for pilot safety.  It is one of the most important skills a pilot can learn that will dramatically reduce the risks of this sport.

Successful graduates of this program will be certified as Novice Pilots (P2) and authorized to fly P2 rated sites without the direct supervision of an instructor.  Pilots who make it through our P2 certification will be some of the best trained pilots of any paragliding school.  We spend the time to ensure that you can safely fly anywhere in the world.  Building your confidence in flying in safe conditions is what we strive for.  If you train with us, you will have the skills you need to always fly safely.

Below pilot Lee Baker thermals away to cloud base from tow.  There is no greater thrill than using your hard-earned skills to stay in the air for hours at a time using the sun's energy as our "engine."

paraglider thermalling at cloud base

Launching at Buffalo Mountain in Talihina, OK.

paragliding at Buffalo Mountain OK
